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Change Facebook Look Into New Flat Facebook Design

Facebook on the Forbes World's

Facebook is beyond the need of being introduced as almost everyone is on itIf you are bored with how Facebook looks, this article will offer you an alternative. Mark Zuckerberg and his team may not even be thinking of changing the age-old Facebook look but you can. Some of you may have been using Facebook day in day out and maybe bored with the same old drab Facebook look. We all getting bored with old facebook design, If you think same like me, they try this new facebook look into your facebook account. For those who want to change how your Facebook looks on your Google Chrome, You can try out this amazing chrome extension called Facebook Flat. Yes friends today we are going to share something very special with you about facebook. You will like the trick if you are a facebook lover or love to use facebook. so, let’s start…

So here we are going to discuss the way to use that Chrome extension in your Google Chrome, and after that, you can quickly change your old look into a cool new look. This extension gives a very cool new look to Facebook in Google Chrome browser. Facebook Flat not only gives your Facebook a new flat refreshing look but also removes all type of Facebook ads from your timeline. So have a look at complete guide discussed below to proceed.

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Add Extension
Active Faltbook

Now you can see a new look of you facebook timeline. This extension designed facebook very beautifully. This is too different from your old Facebook look. The distraction including ads and any other promotional media will get removed from your timeline. Through this easiest way you can change your facebook to a new and cool facebook look. You may love it. Hope you like the trick. Stay with us to get more.

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