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How To Create A Website With HTML5 Part-1

Now a days most of us usually use internet. Internet is the most relevant media to gain information. Website is a most common word in internet. Now we learn how to create a website with HTML5. HTML is a version of HTML. HTML is that the normal terminology for making sites.

A Sample HTML Document


 <!DOCTYPE html>
<title>This is Page Title</title>

<h1>This is Heading</h1>
<p>This is paragraph.</p>
<b>This bold letter</b>
<u>This is Underline</u>

Write these code in notepad++ and save it with the name index.htm. then open it with your browser.

The meaning of the html code:


HTML Tags:

HTML tags normally come in pairs.

The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag
The end tag is written like the start tag, but with a forward slash inserted before the tag name.


Web Browsers:

The reason for a web program (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari) is to peruse HTML reports and show them.

The program does not show the HTML tags, but rather utilizes them to decide how to show the archive:

The <!DOCTYPE> Declaration:

The declaration represents the document type, and helps browsers to display web pages correctly.

It must only appear once, at the top of the page (before any HTML tags).

The declaration is not case sensitive.

Version of HTML:

Version Year
HTML 1991
HTML 2.0 1995
HTML 3.2 1997
HTML 4.01 1999
XHTML 2000
HTML5 2014

improved for learning, testing, and preparing. Illustrations may be streamlined to enhance perusing and fundamental comprehension. Instructional exercises, references, and cases are always looked into to maintain a strategic distance from blunders, yet we can’t warrant full accuracy of all substance.

To be continued….

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