Through this trick you will learn how to block particular apps fro a limited time in android. On your android device you may know that their are many apps which automatically running in your android background. We will show you a awesome way to get rid out from this problem.
Suppose, you are going to join your peoples and there are many friends or children. If you a fear on your mind that they will want your phone to access some files or apps. If you are at that situation then you are at the right place to know the solution about this problem. We will give you the easiest solution. If your android device has many apps that can distract you. Your Android can distract you from your work, as in your busy time. For this reason we are here with a nice app to block your apps for a particular time, and after the assigned time limit they will again start working. So, let’s follow the bellow instructions to do…

There is an app which will help you to do and the cool app name is ClearLock: block distractions. So, let’s do it…
- First of all you need to go to Google Play Store.
- Search ClearLock: block distractions on search bar.
- You can download the app by simply click here.
- Now install the app.
- Now launch the app on your Android device.
- After that you will see the list of the apps that are currently installed on your Android device.
- After that you need to select the apps that you want to block for a special time in your device.
- Now it’s time to set the time period for how long do you want to block your distracting apps.
- After that the app will ask you to confirm your app block.
- Now you need to confirm or simply click on I’m Sure.
- After that the selected apps will be blocked and you won’t be able to use your blocked apps until the time has ended.
- Now don’t worry about how much time left to unblock or unlock your apps cause you will see a screen which will let you know how much time is left to unlock your apps.
- Now you are done.
That’s it. Now in your busy time, your Android won’t distract you from your work. Hope you like it. Stay with us to get more.