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How to Create Application Table Form By HTML

Hi Friends! welcome to my new HTML lesson How to create application table form By Html?. Now you can create your won application form in webpage by HTML code. This lesson you want to know how to do it.

How do you get input in HTML?

Using HTML forms, you can easily take user input. The

<Form>tag is used to get user input, by adding the html form elements. Different types of form elements include text-input, radio-button input, submit button, etc. Let’s learn about the <input type=”text” /> tag, which helps you to take user input using the type attribute.

Also Read: HTML Input Style – CSS Form Styling

What is form action HTML?

The action page attribute specifies where to send the formdata when a form is submitted data.

<form action=”/actionpage.php” method=”get”>
<label for=”fname”>Full name:</label>
<input type=”text” id=”fname” name=”fname”><br><br>
<label for=”address”>Address:</label>
<input type=”text” id=”address” name=”address”><br><br>
<label for=”pnumber”>Phone Number:</label>
<input type=”text” id=”pnumber” name=”pnumber”><br><br>

<input type=”submit” value=”Submit”>

What is name in form HTML code?

The name attribute specifies the name of an <input type=”text” /> html element. The name attribute is used to reference elements in a JavaScript, or to reference form data after a form is submitted. Note: Only form html elements with a name attribute will have their values passed when submitting a form.

Complete Application Form By HTML Code:

Hear you will get complete application from code. You can use your this code in your webpage by text editor. So friends, Let’s start the lesson for which we are here. Here your html codes bellow.

<title> Admissoin Form </title>
<body bgcolor=”#cccccc”>
<h2>Application Form</h2>
<form method=”” action=””><!…………for form………>
<legend>Application Form</legend><br/><br/>
<label>Full Name :</label>
<input type=”text” name=”full name” value=”” placeholder=”Full Name” required/><br/><br/>
<label>User Name :</label>
<input type=”text” name=”user name” value=”” placeholder=”User Name” required/><br/><br/>
<label>First Name :</label>
<input type=”text” name=”first name” value=”” placeholder=”First Name” required/><br/><br/>
<label>Last Name :</label>
<input type=”text” name=”last name” value=”” placeholder=”Last Name” required/><br/></br/>
<label>E-mail :</label>
<input type=”email” name=”email” value=”” placeholder=”E-mail” required/><br/><br/>
<label>Web Design Languages :</label>
<input type=”checkbox” name=”Html” value=””/>HTML
<input type=”checkbox” name=”CSS” value=””/>CSS
<input type=”checkbox” name=”JAVA” value=””/>JAVA
<input type=”checkbox” name=”PSD” value=””/>PSD
<input type=”checkbox” name=”PHP” value=””/>PHP<br/>&lt;br/>
<input type=”submit” value=”Send”/>

Complete Application Form By HTML Code Result:

Application Form

How do forms work in HTML?
A webpage form, web form or HTML form on a web page allows a user to enter data that is sent to a server processing. Forms can resemble paper or database forms because web users fill out the forms using radio buttons, checkboxes, or text fields.

Also Read: HTML5 input Placeholder text – HTML Forms

Hope you all enjoy the lesson. Now practice it yourself. After you practice you can do it. Till my new lesson or post be well. To Be Continued.

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