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Top 50+ Python Interview Questions and Answers in 2022

Are you getting for a Python interview questions and answers? Or do you want to know what you know about Python? Don’t worry. This section we cover your problems with questions and answers.

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in ​​today. Large organizations around the world use this object-oriented language to create programs and applications. Here you will come across some of the most frequently asked Python job interview questions in various disciplines. Python interview questions for beginners and professionals can help you getting for the interview.

In this article, we’ll look at the most common Python interview questions and answers. It will help you get a good jobs.

Also Read: 40+ HTML Interview Questions and Answers You Should Know

Best Python Interview Questions and Answers

Once you have a good understanding of the various Python concepts, try the interview. To increase your chances of removing them. Hear 50+ frequently asked Python interview questions and answers you need to know the answer to.

1. What is PYTHONPATH?

PYTHONPATH performs a similar role to PATH. This variable tells you where to place module files imported into the Python interpreter in your program. It should contain the Python source library directory and the directory containing the Python source code. PYTHONPATH can be predefined by the Python installer.

It is widely used:

2. What programming paradigm does Python support?

Python supports both procedural and object-oriented programming approaches. You can also use both approaches in a Python program.

3. Is Python completely object-oriented?

Python follows the object-oriented programming paradigm and has all the basic concepts of OOP such as inheritance and polymorphism except for access specifies. Python does not support strong encapsulation (adding private keywords before data members). There is a rule you can use to hide data, which is to place two underscores in front of data members.

4. Attach built-in data types provided by Python.

The data types provided by Python are:

  1. List
  2. Tuple
  3. Dictionary
  4. Chain
  5. Number
  6. Settings

64. How to return a list in Python?

The list.reverse() function reverses the objects in the list.

3. Record the difference between tuple and list.

Both tuples and lists are used to store a set of data within them. One of the differences is that once defined, tuples cannot be modified in any way, unlike lists.

5. Join the popular Python framework.

6. What is Lambda with Python Specs?

This is a single expression which is an anonymous method commonly used as an inline function.

7. What is a Python package?

A Python package refers to a collection of different sub-packages and modules based on the similarity of functions.

8. Join the Python programming app.

9. What is the grid() method in Python?

grid() is what every widget within a Python GUI program has. It is associated with a layout manager which allows to place widgets in frames.

10. What are pickles and pickles?

The Pickle module takes a Python object, converts it to a string representation, and uses the dump function to save it to a file. This process is called pickling. On the other hand, the process of getting the original Python object from a string representation is called unpicking.

11. What is Python polymorphism?

Polymorphism is the ability of code to take multiple forms. Suppose your parent class has a method called XYZ and your child class may also contain a method of the same name XYZ with its own variables and parameters.

12. Do you define encapsulation in Python?

Python encapsulation refers to the process of encapsulating variables and various functions into a single capsule entity or class. Python is the best example of encapsulation in Python.

13. What do you understand about Tkinter?

Tkinter is a built-in Python module used to build GUI applications. It is the standard Python toolkit for developing GUIs. Tkinter comes with Python and does not need to be installed separately. You can start using it by importing it into a script.

14. Is Python a scripting language?

Python is a generic programming language and a general-purpose programming language. It is also a scripting language as it can be used to combine with HTML code used for web development.

15. What is a Python generator?

A generator is a function that returns a set of repeatable elements.

16. What is a Python Iterator?

These are objects that you can easily cycle through and repeat when you need them.

17. Describes modes of the Python programming environment.

You must select script mode for it to be executable.

18. What is a panda?

Pandas is an open-source Python library that supports data structures for data-driven operations related to data analysis and manipulation. With its rich functionality, Panda adapts to any data manipulation role, from implementing various algorithms to solving complex business problems. Pandas helps you manage different files when you perform certain operations on the data stored by the files.

19. What is a slice in Python?

Slice is the term used to generate sliced ​​or edited output from lists and tuples.

20. Would you like to join a class commonly used in game mods in the livewires package?

Commonly used classes in the Games module of the Livewires package are:

21. What is the difference between Print (“Hello World”) and print (“Hello World”)?

The Python programming language is case sensitive. Therefore the syntax is incorrect and Print(“Hello World”) will result in an error. However, printing (“Hello World”) works fine.

22. How to create a RadioButton element in Python?

The RadioButton class is available in the Tkinter module. Must be imported first. Then you can get the frame label with the following command:

radiobutton1 = Radiobutton(frame1, text = "C Programming", value = 0)
radio button1.grid()

radiobutton1 is the variable that contains the radiobutton element, and frame1 is the name of the Frame variable that adjusts the radiobutton. The default value for radio buttons is 1, which means “selected”. Must be set to value = 0.

24. How do I get user input in Python?

Python provides built-in methods for accepting user input.
It is as follows: input(“Enter the Input”)

However, to store the input in a variable, you must write the variable name before the input() method.
This can be done as follows: var1 = input(“Insert input”)

25. How to end a line of code in Python?

Python is a very efficient and easy to use language. You can use a semicolon to end a line of Python code. However, you are not required to use a semicolon at the end of each line. It’s up to you whether you want to use it.
16. Do you want to include the various exceptions identified by Python?

The different exceptions identified by the Python environment are:

26. What is the Python namespace?

For every variable introduced in Python, there is a namespace associated with the placeholder for that particular variable. This is a placeholder that allows you to attach a variable to a placed object.

27. What is a Python GUI framework?

Python frameworks can be associated as storage media for other GUIs or GUI elements such as labels, text inputs, text boxes, checkboxes, and radio buttons.

28. How do you include comment functions in your Python program?

The Python programming environment supports comments because it helps developers document their code without confusion. You can write comments in your Python program using the following command:


Comment here

29. What is the difference between the input() method and the raw_input() method?

The raw_input() method returns a string value, while the input() method returns an integer value.
The Input() method is used in Python 2.x versions, but Python 3.x and later uses the raw_input() method. However, in Python 3.x, the input() method has been replaced by the raw_input() method.

30. What is the difference between lists and tuples in terms of syntax?

Use both lists and tuples to store a set of data in a list. However, one of the main differences between them is that tuples use parentheses () in their syntax, while lists use parentheses in their [] syntax.

31. What is the difference between text input element and text box element in Tkinter module?

Text entry elements are used to receive single-line input, and text boxes provide space to receive multi-line input.

32. How do you create a checkbox element in Python?

The CheckButton class can be used in the Tkinter module. Must be imported first. Then you can get the frame label with the following command:

checkbutton1 = checkbutton(frame1, text="C programming")

checkbutton1 is the variable that contains the checkbutton element, and frame1 is the name of the frame variable that adjusts the checkbutton. Accepts a parameter called Text which is used to display the name of the confirmation button.

33. What is the difference between Lambda and Def?

Def is a function that can contain multiple expressions, while Lambda can only contain one expression. The Def method can contain a return statement, but Lambda cannot contain a return statement. Lambda can be used in lists and dictionaries.

34. What are Python line continuation characters?

Python line continuation characters allow a line of code to continue onto the next line without changing its meaning. This can be done using the line continuation character provided by Python, which is a backslash.

35. How do you set the window size in your Python GUI program?

Python GUI programming allows you to set the size, i.e. the width and height of the window. This can be set using the geometric() method. It accepts two parameters, width and height, respectively.

Example: Geometry (“width * height”)

36. Attach the loop structure available in Python.

Python provides the use of two loop structures. They are the For Loop and the While Loop. These two loop structures are identical. The only difference is in the syntax used in the two.

37. What is Python’s range() method?

The Range() method is Python used as a loop structure. Accepts two required parameters and one optional parameter.

Example: Range (1,10,2)

This method prints a number each time it alternates between 1 and 10. Outputs 135 79.

40. Do I need indentation to use Python?

Indentation is very important for use in Python. Normally, you don’t use braces to indicate the scope of a function in a Python program. Indentation allows the Python interpreter to automatically understand the scope of a function. If you don’t use indentation correctly in your Python program, you will usually get an error.

41. Which method is used to find the position of the pointer in the file?

The tell() method returns the current position or the position of the read/write pointer in the file. You don’t need to pass any parameters with this method.



42. Register the Mutable built-in type in the Python programming environment.

The Python programming environment’s built-in variable types are:

1 game
2. Dictionary
3. List

43. How do you create a textbox element in Python?

The textbox class is available in the Tkinter module. Must be imported first. Then you can get the frame label with the following command:

text1 = text(frame1, width=35, height=5)

text1 is the variable that contains the text element and frame1 is the name of the Frame variable that adjusts the text box. Two parameters define the dimensions: the width and the height.
First you need to set the frame.

44. Do you want to attach GUI elements in Python Tkinter module?

Frames, labels, text input, checkboxes, radio buttons, and text boxes are some of the few Tkinter GUI elements used in Python.

45. What is a Python Module?

The file that contains the Python code is called a Python module. This code is either a class, function or variable and saves programmer time by providing predefined functionality as needed. This is a file with the “.py” extension that contains executable code.

Commonly used build modules are listed below.

46. What is the method used to set the file pointer to a specific location?

The seek() method is used to set the file pointer to a specific position in the text file. Accepts two parameters, the first is required and the second is optional.

syntax: Search (location, source)

47. Why is InfineBlock used for Python exception handling?

The last block is typically used in connection with Python’s try and catch blocks. The last block executes regardless of whether a runtime error has occurred. This is the default execution block for Python exception handling techniques.

48. What is DocString and what is it used for?

DocString represents the document string used to document Python modules, classes, and methods.

49. What is the memory management process in Python?

Like any other programming environment, the Python programming environment has a garbage collection technique that manages memory efficiently. Additionally, memory is managed by the private heap, which is ultimately managed by the Python memory manager.

50. What is another way to use loops in While Loops and For Loops?

Python provides a method called range() which provides a loop structure. Works like a while and for loop. Accepts two required parameters and one optional parameter.

51. How to import various packages into a Python program?


Package_Name to importModule_Name


Import games from livewires

52. Does code compiled in Python contain bytecode?

no. Python is first and foremost an interpreted language. However, the .py file is initially compiled into what is called Python bytecode. It is not a file containing binary numbers like in other programming environments. In fact, it contains Python-specific instructions that help optimize startup speed.

53. Does Python support Switch Case statements?

No, Python does not have a SwitchCase statement. However, it provides an alternative called “one to one mapping”.

54. How to create a Button element in Python?

The Button class is available in the Tkinter module. Must be imported first. Then you can get the frame label with the following command:

button1 = button(frame1, text="I am a button")

button1 is the variable that contains the Button element and frame1 is the name of the Frame variable that adjusts the Button. First you need to set the frame.

55. How do you print the sum of numbers from 1 to 50 in Python?

Impression (total (range (1.51)))

This command generates the sum of the numbers from 1 to 50.

56. What is PEP8 in Python?

PEP 8 is a set of recommendations for writing Python code to make it easier and more readable for other programmers. It’s like a coding convention.

57. What is a Python Decorator?

Decorators let you wrap class methods or functions that execute a collection of lines of code before or after the original code is executed. Decorators also allow you to insert or modify code in a method or class.

58. ​​What is Python’s Django framework?

Django is a high-level Python framework used primarily for web development. This framework facilitates fast and efficient development with a convenient and clean design. Created by experienced developers and handling many web development issues, you can focus on building your app without having to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open source.

59. Is Python a compiled or interpreted programming language?

Python programs have a .py extension. These source files are first compiled into bytecode (without binary code). These bytecode files help optimize startup speed. These bytecodes are then sent to the Python virtual machine, where the lines of code are read one after the other. In other words, the code is interpreted.

60. Join an immutable embedded type in the Python programming environment.

Built-in types that cannot be changed in the Python programming environment are:

2. Numbers
3. Rope

61. How do I define a scope in a Python program?

The Python programming environment does not support the use of parentheses to define the scope of variables or methods. However, it uses indentation to allow the Python interpreter to determine the scope itself. If you don’t use the correct indentation, you will usually get an error.

62. What is Python’s Tkinter? Why is it?

Tkinter is a Python module available for Python programmers to develop graphical user interface (GUI) programs. The Tkinter module is used to import the methods needed to create a GUI into a Python program.

63. How does Python handle exceptions?

Python throws an exception when a program runtime error occurs. Python exceptions can use to try and catch blocks. If the statement is suspect, move it to the try block. In the event of an error, control can move to the catch block and perform predefined tasks that can help prevent program crashes.

64. How do you create a label element in Python?

The Label class is available in the Tkinter module. Must be imported first. Then you can get the frame label with the following command:

label1 = label(frame1, text = "this is the label!")

Last Word

Questions are not limited, as you can see in this article. This article shows you how to ask different types of questions on different topics in Python. In this article not limited to the series of questions described by them.

One way to prepare while learning is to ask yourself questions about different topics. Try different types of questions from a concept. And answer yourself. This way, interview questions be won’t surprised by you.. You can also check out the Python compiler online and practice your code.

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