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SEO PlugIn Installation

Before anything else, you want to make sure it’s Search Engine friendly if you want your site to get good SERP (search engine results page) position.To ensure this, your site has at least minimum SEO (Search engine optimization). On site/on page SEO include…

Page Title, Description And Keywords.
Some people say tags are not that important any more as Google do not look for them. Google is smart enough to find everything it need without looking at tags. However, I never seen anyone who said 100% sure about this.So, I would STILL recommend having “Page Title, Description and Keywords” on your pages.

Since you are blogger, you shouldn’t even concerned about whether to have tags (meta tags) or not because it’s so easy to insert meta tags. All you have to do is find and install appropriate plugin that help you with SEO.

There are many plugins that help you with SEO.
I used “All in one SEO” for long time, but, this time, I am giving a try with “Platinum SEO Pack”. So, for you, you can choose either one and it should be fine.Both plugins work similar way. It can insert meta tags automatically unless you insert them manually. I would recommend insert them manually since it doesn’t take too long to do so and you can customize to your liking for each individual pages and posts.

There are two ways to install any wordpress plugins.
Easier way or harder way. I have no idea why one would go with harder method, but, I will show you both way.

Easier Method.

Harder Method.

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