Thanks for your interest in guest posting on CodeExercise.Com! We are always interested in receiving well-written, unique posts from a variety of standpoints which will encourage and inspire our readers.
At knowledge cage we will accept the articles from following category.
- Tech Tips and Tricks.
- Operating System: Windows, Linux etc.
- Business
- Social media
- Mobiles, Android, Laptops, Tablets etc.
- Website, WordPress, Programming etc
How to Submit Article?
- Fill the From below for desired username and provide us mail to register your account.
- Once you register for an account, you’ll get a mail with your login details.
- Verify mail from your inbox with your unique link
- Once you complete writing an article, click on update and submit it for review.
- Once we will review the article that you have written, we will publish it and you will get notification.
Before submitting your post for consideration, please note the following guidelines:
- Article must be Unique and well written.
- Article must have 800+ words.
- 2 links at max are allowed in author bio.
- There should be proper formatting of headlines in the article.
- Your Profile must have your original picture in Gravatar
- We will not accept any link inside the post.
- You will have to reply all comments.
- If you would like to submit your guest post for review, please fill the form below.
Please include the following:
- Your full name.
- Your Email
- Your subject.
- The Massage of your details.