Remove a Google+ Profile Views Count
If you think Google+ is just another social site, you are in for a big astonish. What has been created is, put simply, a phenomenal tool for communication, and much more that. But it takes you to experience it, embrace it and ‘get it’ before this realisation really appears.

Google plus currently turned on a feature that shows the total number of times a Google plus profile and content have been viewed by other users.
Everbody needs secuirity; we need it more when we come to a social networking sites such as Google+. Many of us ignore it. But there are some people who would like to mask up their profile view count. By default, Google plus will display the number of times when your profile have been viewed by other users autometically. If you want, you can disable this option.
In this post we can learn how to remove, disable or hide your profile view count steps by steps. The procedure below are very easy, let’s try this.
First, go to Home > Settings, then scroll down to the Profile section. Uncheck the box next to “Show how many times your profile and content have been viewed.
Procedure to Hide Profile Views Count on Google Plus
- At the top right of your screen, click your little “picture”, then click “Account Settings”
- Click Edit Settings at the bottom of “Google plus Settings”.
- Scroll all the way down until you see the “Profile section” and uncheck “Show how many times your profile and content have been viewed.”
- This is done. View your profile to confirm.
The settings will take action autometically and your view count will be hide on your profile page from now. For more details, contact with us.