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Top 10 SEO Tips for Website Designers

Top 10 SEO Tips

The present world is ruled by web designers. They are responsible for success of the websites in many ways. Search engine optimisation enhances the website position in the market by following certain techniques and improves its page rank.

Top 10 SEO Tips for Website Designers

1. Keyword
Whenever a user needs some information, he usually types specific words related to the information on the search engine and searches for it. These typed words are called keywords. You can gain knowledge on keywords by proper interaction with the users.

After a long research it has been found that long tail keywords have less competition, so it is better to use them in your website. Make sure that the keyword is placed in every part of the website such as URL, content, meta tags, title tags, H1 tags etc. to improve your website page rank.

2. Blogging
Include blogs related to various fields in your site. Upload some videos, pictures and screenshots related to your business, so that people are motivated to spend time going through your site and visit it regularly. When posting blogs in other websites, include a link to your site and encourage visitors to click on it for more details about your site.

3. Advertising
You can place ads on your website, so whenever someone clicks on it, you will be paid by the advertising company.

4. Socializing
Creating accounts on various social networking sites and updating them can definitely fetch more visitors to your website. Various social networking sites like Friendster, Google, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter provides opportunity to connect to a number of people through a single media, the online platform.

5. Content
Always use fresh and attractive content in your website, so that people feel excited to read them. Use funny images and attractive colors to attract more visitors and improve page rank.

6. Links
Clear all bad links,update and maintain existing links. Do not accept links from bad websites, which may ruin your website’s reputation. Always include in bound and out bound backlinks for better website traffic.

7. Podcasting
Record audio files related to your business and make them available to users all over the world, through online sites related to podcasting. It is better to convert them to MP3 or other compatible formats, which helps users to listen to it on different music players.

8. SEO tools
Use SEO tools to optimize your site and improve its page rank. All the SEO techniques can be performed by one tool in certain instances. You can even hire SEO analysts to do this task by paying a certain amount to them. In case, you do not have enough money to buy SEO tools, you can opt for cash payday.

9. Site map
Sitemaps helps the crawlers to index the website within a quick time and makes the website appear among the top search results.

10. Images
Indexing Programs cannot understand the images, so it is better to use HTML codes for them on the website. Never include irrelevant images on the website to get more traffic.

Top 10 SEO tips help web designers in website development in a better way.

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