Facebook is most interesting site in the world. In this internet world you can’t spent a single day without facebook. Most of our peoples use the facebook. There is full of secret tricks on Facebook. That’s why today we will give you some awesome Facebook secret tricks. That will give you smartness.

Facebook Secrets Tricks
Facebook has many secrets trick that you can’t imagine. You can get many tricks form our site. More than 1 billion people regularly use Facebook, but that doesn’t mean they’re all well-acquainted with the social media site. That’s why today we will teach you some secret tricks about facebook.
Changing fonts on Facebook status
This is a wonderful secret that most of our people still don’t know. Whenever you update your status it gives you a default font. But did you ever think about to change you status font. Yes you can change your status font. We will show you the easiest way to change that. To change font style on your status update then simply click here. After clicking it will through you on a different page. After that the page will guide you how to do.
Update Facebook flip status
If you in the mood to have a little fun try the trick it can give you that. Try flipping your FB status upside down. Try flipping your FB status upside down. It is sure that your friends will be tilting their heads too trying to read your message. Isn’t it funny ? Yes you can be force them to do that if they want to read your message. To do that you need to go a site. Don’t worry we will give you the link. Simply click here to go to that page. After visit the page follow their instructions or write your text on the first box and after that you will see your text on the bellow box. Copy the text from there and update your Facebook status.
Fake Facebook wall updates
Are you know about it ? If don’t then we will tell you about it. It is a process through you can create fake Facebook wall update. You can do that with the help of this free tool call The Wall Machine. If you want to do that then you can access it here. You will be able to create fake facebook update easily. After visit the link click Connect. And after that continue with your facebook account.
After that you can do it very easily. Hope you like our tricks. Stay with us to get more tricks.