Hello guys! today we are going to share with you the 5 best imo tricks. As we know that imo is valuable thing to all of us. According to the present world we can not ignore it. We can do many thing by using this.
Today our first trick is about how to change imo profile picture. It is very simple matter but most of our people don’t know that how he can change his profile picture. That’s why today we are going to show you how you can change your profile picture. So let’s know how to do it.
If you are a android user then follow our instructions. Don’t worry it’s very easy to do.
- Firstly open your IMO account and click three dot icon bottom.

- After that go to settings.

- Now you can see the text Change profile picture.
- Select it and it’ll ask you to take photo or Choose photo.
- If you have already one then select choose photo or not then select take photo.
- Suppose you select choose photo now it’ll through you to your Gallery.
- Now select your file and change your photo.
As we said it’s too easy to do. Now you can do it very easily.
Now The next trick is how to add IMO camera on home screen. It is very useful. It can save your time. You can easily make your video and of course send it to your friends. So, friends let’s know how to do it.
- Firstly open your IMO account and click three dot icon bottom.
- After that go to settings.
- Scroll down just a little bit and now you can see a text Add camera to your home screen.
- Click on it and exit from IMO.
- Go to your home screen.
- Now you can see a camera icon on your home screen.
This is IMO camera. Click on it to open. Now can make videos very easily and can send your friends and family. IMO is a good app that can help you a lot.
Now we are living in an Internet world. Without using internet we can’t develop ourselves. If we don’t use it the world’ll through out in the back side. And we never want that. It(IMO) helps us to connected with our friends and family. Now we can share our happiness or sorrows like next door neighbor. So fiends, use the app and be connected with your peoples.
If you like our trick then share it to your peoples. You can comment us. And of course most important thing that stay with us to get more new awesome tricks. Till then be well.