Assalamu alaikom. Hope you all are fine. You are reading our new trick How To Connect A Wifi Without Any Password. Yes ladies and gentlemen you are right. This is not a joke. This is the real trick and 100% work guaranteed.
Suppose you are in your friends home. At the same time your friend have a wifi connection and he or she don’t want to give the password or he just wanted to irritate you. But you need a wifi connection to update your tools. But he is joking with you. Now what can you do? This trick can help you a lot. You will able to access internet at anywhere.
Internet is a very essential thing for every class of people. We can’t imagine a day without access internet. So that’s why I am going to introduce about a trick that can be help you to access internet.
So let’s know about the trick.

* Just you need to go to wifi and turn it on and click WPS Push Button and after a few second click the WPS Button from the router. You’ll be connected to the internet. Now you can enjoy unlimited internet without any password.

Note: When press the WPS Button from the router don’t hold it. If you hold it the router will reset automatically.
Be careful when you do those task. Otherwise your friend’ll be angry to you.
Small Talk:
How To Connect A Wifi Without Any Password is a very useful trick. You can try it at anywhere. Hope you like the trick. If you have any complain give us feedback. Till the new post be well.